Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Mega Popular Worldly Singer Taylor Swift Is Evil

Proverbs 7:10-12, “And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart. (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house: Now is she without, now in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.)”

Miss Taylor Swift is one of the most ungodly entertainers in the world today. She is dangerous because of her musical popularity, which gives her an incredible amount of influence on public opinion. I am convinced that Kamala Harris will win the November 2024 election, if nothing else because Taylor Swift has foolishly endorsed her. Taylor said the reason why she has endorsed Kamala is because she champions the same agendas that Harris and Biden strongly push (i.e., a woman's ungodly right to murder her own child, a wicked person's right to commit the sin of homosexuality, the ungodly right of transgendered men to perform in women's sports, et cetera). Taylor Swift is a very immoral woman who should be ashamed. We're all sinners, that's biblical  but to intentionally support evil is something entirely different.

In all her concerts, Taylor Swift dresses like a harlot, which the Bible confirms in our text passage from Proverbs 7:10-12. If a woman wears certain skimpy sensual types of attire, the Bible says she looks like a harlot (a prostitute). It is wickedness for any woman to wear the attire of a harlot in public. Only her own husband in the privacy of their own bedroom should see such things. Our American society, and wicked world today, don't care what God thinks, but they will someday when they die and are judged (Hebrews 9:27). ...
Ecclesiastes 8:12-13, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.
It won't go well for Taylor Swift in eternity. She has a net worth of $1,000,000,000 for glorifying sin and shame with her worldly music. She doesn't glorify God at all, she disgraces her profession of Christian faith. Here is an actual screenshot of Taylor at 2:12 minutes in her music video on YouTube, 'Wildest Dreams'...

Taylor Swift at 2:12 In Her Evil YouTube Video 'Wildest Dreams'

Taylor's hundreds of millions of ungodly worldly fans can recite her song lame lyrics word for word, but if their life depended on it couldn't quote a single verse from the inspired Holy Bible. We are living in a generation that doesn't look up anymore. That is, they do not fear God.

I read a disturbing article today from The Christian Post, which reveals that many Christians in churches today are angry at Taylor Swift for blaspheming God:
Taylor Swift's new album, The Tortured Poets Department, has garnered criticism from faith leaders who have taken to social media this week to express their distaste with the lyrical content that they believe mocks God and Christians.

Released last Friday, critics have voiced concern over lyrics that seem to suggest that Christians are both hateful and judgemental.

In the song "But Daddy I Love Him," Swift sings:

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"But daddy I love him / I just learned these people only raise you / To cage you / Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best / Clutchin' their pearls, sighing, 'What a mess' / I just learned these people try and save you 'Cause they hate you."

In the same song, Swift sings:

"God save the most judgmental creeps/ Who say they want what's best for me/ Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see/ Thinkin' it can change the beat/ Of my heart when he touches me/ And counteract the chemistry/ And undo the destiny/ You ain't gotta pray for me/ Me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy/ If all you want is gray for me/ Then it's just white noise, and it's just my choice."

In the song "Guilty As Sin," Swift sings: "What if I roll the stone away?/ They're gonna crucify me anyway/ What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy. SOURCE

Eleven of the 31 songs contain an "E" under the album's description listing, which stands for "explicit." And several songs have the F-word included within the lyrics. SOURCE

Miss Swift really likes to drop the "F-word" in her singing. One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” I wouldn't want to be in Taylor Swift's shoes when she stands before God on Judgment Day (Hebrews 4:13; Ecclesiastes 12:13). The Bible warns in 2nd John 2:11 that to wickedly bid Godspeed to evildoers is to partake of their evil deeds. Look at what Taylor Swift is endorsing by supporting Kamala Harris...

Social media is becoming so bad nowadays that you are no longer permitted to have your own Christian or conservative view without being censored. Wicked people have no morals or beliefs, except that they reject the absolute and moral truth of Words God. As Miss Swift has become increasingly popular with the heathen world, she had increasingly sided with homosexuals, abortionists, illegal immigrants and the dregs of society today. Homosexuality is perversion! It is a horrible sin, unnatural, an abomination in the sight of a holy God, and brings the judgment of God (Romans 1:24-32; Colossians 3:5-6; Jude 1:3).

I think Miss Swift's handlers and publicists felt it would have greatly hurt her career image if she had endorsed former President Donald Trump for U.S. President. Miss Swift's recent concerts and music videos have border-lined on pornographic material i.e., (highly suggestive, sensual, wearing negligees, raunchy and revealing). Every parent ought to be alarmed! If you think Taylor is harmless, you are a darn fool. Already she has led an army of young girls to dress like hoochie mamas, vote for an immoral Marxist feminist like Kamala Harris, and live ungodly selfish lives of sin.
Ecclesiastes 12:13, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”
Shame on Taylor Swift and her fans who disregard God's Word. I know a lot of Taylor Swift fans will be upset with me for exposing their hero, but I am a friend of God, not the world. James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” Taylor Swift is a friend (i.e., she assists) the world, not God. She supports abortion. She supports LGBTQ rights, which is pure evil.

Jesus warned in John 15:19, “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” Wow, that is powerful! Jesus said if you were OF THE WORLD, the world will love you! But because YE ARE NOT OF THE WORLD, as a born-again child of God, therefore the world hateth you! If you hide your light and support the wicked world, they will support you.

But the Word of God teaches in 2nd Timothy 3:12, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” A young man asked his pastor how to give up the world. The older wise preachers replied: “Young man, you carry a Holy Bible and the world will give you up!” And they sure will give you up! I learned a very long time ago that if you want to get rid of unwanted company, just start talking about how much you love the Word of God, and start quoting Bible verses, and watch how fast they leave! I found that to be true even in Bible college as a teenager. Go figure!

I could say so much more why everyone should avoid Taylor Swift. She needs to get right with God. Personally, I don't think she is saved at all. I couldn't find anything on social media about her testimony of faith in Jesus Christ. I mean, the Bible warns that even the Devil masquerades as an Angel of Light to deceive his victims, and his unrighteous ministers are also transformed (the Greek word for "transformed" in 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 means to imitate). Satan is the great imitator! His sinister ministers (e.g., John MacArthur, Billy and Franklin Graham, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Marty Herron, Charles Stanley, Ray Comfort, Paul Washer, Gary Walton, Todd Friel, the Pope, Joseph Smith, Ellen G. White, Martin Luther, Steve Pettit, Sam Horn) are also imitators. The world is going to Hell because of counterfeit clergy. Jeremiah 5:31, “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?

Taylor Swift is riding high on top of the world now, but her day of reckoning is coming in eternity. We must all appear before the Judgment of God one day (Romans 14:10-12). From her raunchy music videos, whorish attire and gestures in public, her recent Satanic music videos, to her endorsement of wicked politicians and their agendas, Taylor Swift is a bad apple. 
I love everybody, God knows my heart. I hope and pray for Miss Swift, that like King Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament whom our Creator brought low, so will God bring Taylor Swift low to humble her, so that she will glorify God instead of blaspheming His holy name.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Hatred At Pensacola Christian College

Matthew 5:43-46, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

It is in our carnal nature to respond with hatred to those who hate us. It is natural to dislike people who dislike us, and to like those who do like us. Dear reader, that is so shallow! In our tremendous text passage of Scripture, our dear Savior Himself instructs us to be better than the average bear. Jesus Christ wants us to bless those who curse us, pray for those who despitefully use us, and to love those who hate us.

Some People Will Hurt Us
People equal pain! Sadly, life is about people hurting people. You can try to deny that, but it is nevertheless very true. I don't care who you are, you've been hurt by people, likely many times. Sometimes people don't intend to hurt our feelings, but they do anyway. It is our differences as human beings that cause conflicts. What we say in sincerity, may be taken the wrong way by someone else which deeply hurts their soul. I decided years ago that I would 10,000 times rather have people hurt me, than for me to hurt people. I have a clear conscience before God. Do you friend? God sees how we treat other people. I have ought against Pastor Jeff Redlin. I have tried to go and make peace with him, but he refuses. The blood is on his hands alone!

At a Baptist church that I was attending on Guam years ago, there was a woman with a big belly. I sincerely thought she was pregnant. So, I kindly asked her in front of her husband how many months along in her pregnancy she was. She was horribly embarrassed (and so was I) when she replied that she was just bloated. I felt so bad but I couldn't take back my words. I apologized profusely to her. She seemed to take it well, but I know that must have hurt her feelings. Do you see how our sincere misconceptions can lead to problems?

I watched a frightening documentary this week on YouTube about why doctors keep making mistakes and killing patients. You'll be shocked! But there is a big difference between honest and sincere mistakes, versus abusive pastors who mistreat and don't care about hurting people. I humbly don't think God wants us to merely walk away and let abuse go; but rather, we should express our negative opinion publicly to warn other people about abusive organizations like Pensacola Christian College (PCC).

Sadly, there is an ongoing abusive authoritarian culture of cultish abuse of people who question PCC's leaders or doctrine. I know because I personally was mistreated by Pastor Jeff Redlin, and also by PCC leaders who refused to even communicate with me in 2022. I have written numerous negative reviews online, dozens of articles and blogs to warn people about PCC's unchristian cult. I have been banned from attending Campus Church at PCC. Instead of having a biblical spirit of restoration at PCC, they have a heathen spirit of kicking people out. There is no love or compassion at PCC, only rules, rules and more rules.

The cult system always comes first at PCC, individual people do not matter. That is so wicked, ungodly and pathetic. If you attend PCC, you will not find love, but you will be thrown under the bus the second that you make a mistake, question leadership or express your own opinions. That is what happened to me. Jeff Redlin is a religious punk, sad to say. The abusive way that PCC mistreated Samantha Field (who was assaulted on PCC's campus as a student), and the horrible way that they mistreated me, reveals what is in their heart.

All We Can Do Is Pray For Them And Try To Reconcile
God knows that I am still willing to make peace and reconciliation at PCC, but they have refused again and again, to their own demise. Tyranny is rarely seen except by those who are oppressed by it. God hears the cry of an increasingly growing number of wounded PCC students and Campus Church victims who have been abused, hurt and shunned by their bigoted cult of religious weirdoes. The PCC camp is all about indoctrinating people with religion, but without possessing God's genuine love and compassion as a legitimate church would have. That is because they don't walk in the Holy Spirit. You need to understand that PCC are a bunch of academics who woefully lack God's love and compassion for people, because PCC are NOT church builders! They are a private selective cult. Unless you submit to the cult leaders at PCC, you will immediately be rejected, shunned and blackballed.

I have responded to the abuse at PCC with Bible preaching, love and a sincere willingness and desire to reconcile with the PCC camp, but they refuse. In so doing, they reveal that there is hatred, coldness and selfishness in their hearts at PCC. On the other hand, I am still willing to make peace, which reveals that I have God's love in my heart. You may contact Pastor Jeff Redlin and Campus Church, to ask them why they won't allow David J. Stewart to attend Campus Church. I would appreciate it...

The day that they contact me to make peace, I will gladly do what I can to reconcile with PCC. People just want to be loved. PCC refuses to love people. They just want to make money. Sadly, since they have thousands of people at PCC, who are willing to give them money in their carnal state, PCC couldn't care less about changing. As long as carnally-minded people support the carnal PCC camp, nothing will change. When they start losing thousands of students, only then will they search their souls and ask God what is wrong. We see this situation in Revelation 3:15-17 concerning the Laodicean church. That horrible carnal church thought they were prospering and pleasing to God, but Jesus called them naked, wretched, poor, blind and miserable!!!

PCC is naked, wretched, poor, blind and miserable!!! Unfortunately, they foolishly THINK they are pleasing to the Lord at PCC, while hundreds of victims like me are crying out to God to be avenged. Genesis 19:13, “For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the LORD; and the LORD hath sent us to destroy it.” PCC still hasn't learned the truth that, He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother! Only a dirty cult refuses to allow a person to come back to church. PCC is a private cult, not a New Testament church! I cannot warn everyone enough about Pensacola Christian College and their hateful yuppie type leaders.

I admit that I have not always responded in a Christlike way to mistreatment from pastors and fellow believers. I had used some sharp words against Pastor Redlin in some of my articles last year, which I have since edited and removed. I want to please the Lord. There is a fine line between faith and foolishness. God knows that in my heart I love everybody, and desire to get along and be friends with other preachers. Sadly, many preachers are selfish, carnal in their thinking, corrupt in doctrine and don't want to get along. That is so horrible!

I realized years ago that I had grown in the Lord beyond most other preachers, so that they could not reciprocate my love. The Apostle Paul experienced this same frustration with people. 2nd Corinthians 12:15, “And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” Most pastors simply cannot reciprocate the level of love that I have for them. Unfortunately, PCC took the matter too far by banning me from attending their Campus Church, which is evil to the core. Jeff Redlin is a hateful person who hides behind the façade of religion. He is a devil in the pulpit, masquerading as someone who actually gives a damn, but doesn't.

Pastor Redlin gets paid a disgusting undeserved 6-digit salary, parasiting off of the churches. Redlin already has the only reward he'll ever get. PCC are not leading people to Christ, they are merely playing church without the power of the Holy Spirit, because they are carnal and indifferent toward truth and people. PCC wickedly bid Godspeed to false prophet Ken Ham, who blatantly preaches another gospel of partial faith in Christ plus turning away from your evil ways to get to Heaven.

What a lot of people do is that when someone hurts their feelings, time and time again, they withdraw socially into their shell like a turtle. Words can hurt more than bullets, leaving painful scars on one's soul. These hurting people put up an imaginary wall in their mind to protect their heart from being hurt again. I know because I have a scarred soul, from the many wounds inflicted upon me over the years by people. Some of the scars were inflicted by unsaved heathens. Some were left by family members and friends. Other were inflicted by church pastors, coworkers, staff members and carnal saints. Those scars are permanent and hurt still even today, years and even decades later. All I can do when those painful memories from the past surface in my mind is to lay them at Jesus' feet at Calvary's cross. ..
Colossians 3:13, “If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.”
Matthew 25:40, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
I love those beautiful passages of Scripture! The day that we got saved (i.e., born again), in God's sight we became one with Christ. That is, God the Father sees Jesus' imputed righteousness when He looks at us, He doesn't see our sins anymore (as far as our POSITION in Christ is concerned). Our CONDITION is a separate matter of obedience and discipleship. The inspired Holy Bible says that my life as a believer is hidden with Christ in God. Matthew 25:40 helps to explain Colossians 3:3. The Lord is essentially saying to us as redeemed saints: “We are in this called Christianity together. Whatever someone does to you, whether it be good or bad, they have also done it unto me, because we are one now.”
John 14:18-20, “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.”
We are not God, but God lives inside of us as His children, in the form of the blessed Holy Spirit (John 16:13; 1st Corinthians 3:16-17; 1st John 3:24). Read what their own abused alumni are negatively saying about PCC...
“Don't go here if you're a Christian; they don't actually follow the Bible. They just use it as an excuse to treat people like trash.” —Danielle Tate (2016)

“This institution did more to harm my personal development than any other. As a 38 year old professional, I still bear the scars of how I was treated by this harsh, unloving, uncaring college.” —Greg S (2015), a former abused PCC student

“17 years later and I'm still shaking off the trauma. So many extra-biblical rules it'll make your head spin. Great place for Pharisaical training if your into that. The rule book has more rules than the Bible.” —Jorn Anderson (September 2022), former mistreated PCC student

“Pcc is the worst school ever. It was a complete waste of my time and money. They kicked me out for going to the wrong Sunday school class. And that was a year ago. They still will not release my transcripts which has put me behind in my college career. They schools not be called a Christian college if they cannot even live by what the Bible has to say. If I was able to take it all back and not go there I would in a heartbeat. I am warning you if you are thinking about going DONT DO IT!!!!” —Gavin Bufford (2017), abused former PCC student

“I'm a 2018 graduate of PCC and I went here for all 4 years. It's really sad that this place calls itself Christian, its legalistic places like pcc that give Christians a bad name. They do have a lot of rules regulating most areas of life. I was treated very poorly and rude by several "Christians" on staff and faculty and I saw many of my friends treated the same way. I've personally seen people who were once people I would hang out with, when given positions of leadership become legalistic monsters taking joy in getting as many students in trouble as possible, and this is done in the name of Christ! As a student you are guilty until proven innocent and can be kicked out just because someone accuses you of something.” —Nick Harrison (2019), a mistreated PCC alumni

“It is NOT a friendly environment. All they care about is rules instead of encouraging and building you up in your Christian walk.” —Hannah Elizabeth Kirchhoff (December 2022), mistreated former PCC student

“They call themselves Christians, but Christians are supposed to show compassion and patience.” —Angela (January 2023), mistreated former PCC student

“In retrospect, I thank God for not having the opportunity to attend here (Pensacola Christian College) and myself for not making the decision to enroll.” —Richard Deuto (January 2023)

“Crackpot unaccredited school.” —Meryl Montgomery (November 2022)
Those are but just a handful of the hundreds of negative reviews on social media, against PCC for their ongoing culture of authoritarian abuse, indifference and woeful lack of compassion for people.

God Will Punish the Pensacola Christian College Camp For Their Hatred
It was because of Pastor Jeff Redlin's abuse and hatred toward me that I had no church to attend for over a year, and I still have nowhere to go on Sunday evenings. I've feel nothing but cruelty and hatred from the pastors of Campus Church and PCC leadership. They are so wicked and far away from God! My soul is comforted by God's promise to avenge me of their hatred and mistreatment at PCC (Romans 12:19-21; Matthew 12:36). They are arrogant right now, because they are large in numbers and united in rebellion against God. No so-called “church” is right with God who refuses to make a way of RESTORATION for anyone! ...
Romans 14:10-13, “But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another any more: but judge this rather, that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.”
They are condemning me as a divorce man at PCC, refusing to provide a way of restoration so that I can return to fellowship with the friends that I made at PCC. Jeff Redlin is a little man who is is bog trouble with God! As long as they have tens of millions of dollars coming in, and thousands of new students enrolling to pursue a money-making career, PCC's leaders won't care. They don't care! Just ask their former student Samantha Field. PCC ought to be ashamed of themselves!!! I offered to make peace with them, but they sinfully refused, just like they threw Samantha Field under the bus! God will deal with their stiffnecked pride at PCC.

They can never point a dirty finger at me on Judgment Day, because PCC are the ones who refuse to reconcile with me, which I am still trying to do to no avail. They people at PCC are rotten to the core! They are blinded by their phony religious singing, sycophantic sermonettes and merely playing church three times a week.

Religious authoritarianism is cursing America, where men elevate themselves as some type of “authority” over normal everyday people like me. God is no respecter of persons, which is why He openly welcomes EVERYONE to freely receive His gift of eternal life by faith alone in His only begotten Son. Sadly, at PCC only certain people are welcome, but not people like me or Samantha Field. I care! If nothing else, my response to PCC's hatred and rejection shows plainly that I CARE!!! GOD CARES!!! What will it take for God to cause PCC to start caring? People just want to be loved. ALL LIVES MATTER!!!

Please do not support the sinful bad attitudes of PCC's leaders. Please do not sanction their milquetoast pastors who are wimps. Ask Samantha Field what she thinks about the PCC camp. She is one of their graduates. Search for her name online. PCC abused Samantha, just as they are abusing me. Even though I tried for 6 weeks to make peace with the PCC camp, they completely ignored me for those 6 weeks in 2022. Clearly, Jeff Redlin and company don't give a damn about individual people.

By God's grace, I will do my utter best to expose the PCC cult, and to warn people about that big phony, Jeff Redlin. I will warn people about that wicked compromiser and false teacher, Timothy Zacharias. Somebody needs to care! Somebody needs to ruffle their feathers at PCC, to try to get them to change. God sent Isaiah the prophet to preach against a stiff-necked and hard-hearted people. God told Isaiah to make their hearts fat with grease.

In other words, God told Isaiah to keep preaching THE TRUTH anyway, even though the people weren't listening, because it was making their wicked hearts more calloused because of their resistance to do what is right, as a judgment against them. The PCC camp won't listen, I already know that, but I am going to keep preaching against them anyway, to make their stubborn rebellious hearts fat with grease, as a testimony against them, so on judgment day they won't have anywhere to run hide from God.

The bottom line is that PCC ought not to be bidding Godspeed to the ungodly Lordship Salvation crowd at Bob Jones College. BobJonesUniversity are devout supporters of their alumni, Pastor John MacArthur, the most dangerous false prophet in America today among evangelical and Baptist churches. John MacArthur is a devil in the pulpit, who teaches that children cannot be saved, and that Jesus didn't have God's blood flowing in His veins, and that faith in the Gospel is not enough to be saved.

Why doesn't the PCC camp and their rotten Campus Church rebuke them sharply at BobJones? Why does the PCC camp wickedly bid Godspeed to the rotten Harvest Baptist Church on Guam? The Bible warns that by bidding Godspeed to false teachers, PCC has become partaker of their evils deeds. Pastor Redlin is effectively teaching Lordship Salvation, because he bids Godspeed to the Bob Jones University camp that does.

As of August 2, 2022 I have been banned in writing from attending Campus Church at PCC. I kindly apologized and offered to do whatever they required to make peace, but they are so full of bigotry, hatred and unforgiveness that they can't stand the sight of me, and refuse to make a path of RESTORATION as the Bible teaches in Galatians 6:1-2. SHAME on Pensacola Christian College for their unchristian hatred and shameful behavior.

And mark my words, PCC is slowly changing for the worst, becoming ecumenical and corrupt in doctrine. You cannot eat at the Devil's table and not get spiritual food poisoning! You cannot play with the Devil's fire and not get burned. SHAME on Pensacola Christian College cult! SHAME on their Campus Church cult. Only a religious cult bans people from coming to church, as they have sinfully done to me! What was my great offense at PCC? I TOLD THE TRUTH!!! Galatians chapter four, verse sixteen, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” I have told THE TRUTH.

The way that we treat people matters. At PCC individual people don't matter, their cult system is all that matters. I am living proof that they throw people under the bus. No legitimate New Testament church only selectively cares about people. Campus Church is a sad joke, not a true church, because only certain people are welcome. As of August 2, 2022, I have been banned in writing from attending Campus Church, and we've been enemies since, but that was their choice alone. I tried to make the peace, but sadly their bigotry and hatred won out.

They still haven't learned at PCC that Christianity is not about following a bunch of strict rules and obligations (the letter of the law); but rather, it is about LOVE (the spirit of the law). Jesus said that to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little. That is why they have so little love at PCC, because they are self-righteous religious hypocrites. PCC leaders have never sunken into the typical depths of sin, so as religious Pharisees they look down on people who have. The truth is that PCC are more guilty than the hurting sinners they condemn (Matthew 7:1-5). RUN from that place!

My name is David J. Stewart. I have been a grateful born-again Christian since age 13. I am an independent fundamental Baptist preacher. Please visit some of my ministry websites at Jesusisprecious.org and Soulwinning.info. I also have a blog at Stewart1611.blogspot.com. I love you all with Christ’s unconditional love whoever you may be. Unlike the ungodly PCC camp that doesn’t care, I DO care very much. RIGHT DOCTRINE MATTERS. People matter. Sadly, at PCC only SOME PEOPLE MATTER, but in genuine Bible Christianity ALL PEOPLE MATTER! I hope and pray that one of these days the pastors of Campus Church will repent and invite me back to church, so we can become friends instead of remain enemies. The ball is in their court alone. I have done all that I can to make peace with the PCC camp. Thank you for reading dear friend. Always remember, people just want to be loved.

The Cult System Comes First At PCC, But INDIVIDUAL People Do Not Matter!

    Saturday, August 31, 2024

    The Tragic Deterioration Of Elvis Presley's Life

    Proverbs 15:16, “Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.”

    This is a sad but eye-opening documentary about Elvis. He was battling addiction to prescription drugs and food. With the arrival of The Beatles, Elvis worried that he was falling out of favor. He actually wore a girdle at times in concert to hide his fat gut. The documentary said he was trying to hold onto his iconic teenager image, but he was aging. Elvis dyed his hair black to hide the grey, and underwent facial cosmetic surgery in the 1970's, trying to maintain his youthful image. He feared getting old and losing his status as a rock star sex symbol, often battling depression.

    The Last Days of Elvis Presley
    (E True Hollywood Story 1999 Part 1)

    Elvis had money, fame and pleasures untold, yet he was miserable and ultimately killed himself with drugs. An autopsy found at least 10 different prescription drugs in his system. The "king" was dead. Proverbs 15:16, “Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble therewith.”

    Wednesday, July 31, 2024

    What Do I Think About Donald Trump And Alex Jones?

    A loyal friend of my website ministry asked me a question today. He wanted to know what I think about Donald Trump and Alex Jones. Here is my answer that I sent him.
    Hello friend, if you are asking if I have any comments in general about Donald Trump and Alex Jones, I do.

    I like Mr. Trump He's a man's man kind of guy and a proven leader. He takes the side of truck drivers, farmers and veterans, which wins him my vote right there. I love the guy for that! However, we must keep in mind that Trump is not a successful man in God's sight. Some nuts are saying that Trump is Jesus Christ.

    Someone just sent me these videos about President Trump being the Antichrist...

    1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1014PFSIq-U
    2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W62Cvn0CoFM
    3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPDWpAd8ZDI
    I think Mr. Trump is just a regular businessman. He's not Christ, nor the Antichrist. I haven't trusted the political process since Bill Clinton was elected as U.S. President, a known Vietnam War draft dodger. Bill fled to Canada instead of obeying the draft. What a major insult to our nation's heroic veterans who lost limbs and life on the battlefield. There's a law that prohibits draft dodgers from becoming president, but as we all know, rules were made to be broken. Bill Clinton is the devil incarnate a far as I'm concerned (not literally, but close). 
    Furthermore, Trump is a hardcore Zionist, idolizing manmade Israel, which in itself might get him re-elected. Manmade Israel is evil, and the 95% plus stupid churches that support manmade Israel are pulling on the same rope as the Devil, helping the New World Order. While U.S. President, Mr. Trump implemented new government policies that restrict college students from criticizing Zionism, the Holocaust, Jews or the nation of Israel. That is a direct attack on free speech. 
    I like Donald Trump, but I don't trust him. I watched an intriguing interview of Dr. G. Edward Griffin by Alex Jones a couple years ago. Alex was trying really hard to get Professor Griffin to endorse Mr. Trump for U.S. President, but Dr. Griffin adamantly refused to do it. I fully agree with Dr. Griffin's suspicion that Trump may be controlled opposition, but we won't know until all is said and done after Trump leaves office in 2029. I have no doubt that he will win re-election. The failed July 2024 assassination attempt of President Trump has made him a martyr in the eyes of the impressionable public.
    Mr. Trump may indeed be the real thing, but at best he is NOT going to "Make America Great Again." Look how easily U.S. President Joe Biden totally undid what his predecessor did. The $15,000,000,000 border wall was built to prevent millions of illegals from invading our country, but Biden allowed 10,000,000 illegal aliens to flood into the country! The same exact evil illegal immigration is happening throughout Europe, which clearly shows that there is a Luciferian conspiracy at work worldwide to bring in a New World Order (which requires first destroying national sovereignty).

    Open borders, rampant lawlessness, promoting interracial marriage, raunchy music videos, transgenderism, the LGBTQ perversion, filthy cities, homelessness, an epidemic of substance abuse nationwide, feminism, the divorce racket, hundreds of corrupt Bible revisions, spiritually dead (powerless) churches, the lies of Evolution, greedy Bible colleges, dysfunctional police, the lying newsmedia—these are all deliberate subversive plots by the Luciferian elite to destroy the Old World Order, to make way for the New World Order (i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist, the Man of Sin).

    Mr. Trump called for the global decriminalization of homosexuality when he was U.S. President the first time. That is not a moral man! Despite his appearance to oppose abortion, Trump actually supports most abortions and has publicly promised that he will not oppose state-sanctioned abortions if re-elected in 2024. Trump made much of his billions of dollars from strip clubs, booze and gambling casinos (evil vices that destroy families).

    When asked by a reporter if he committed adultery with his best friend's wife, Trump replied: "Yes, it was the best time I've ever had!" Although I like how Trump handles the ungodly media, Christians would be foolish to place their hope in him. At best, all he can do is improve our nation for the next 4 to 8 years, but as soon as another ungodly Democrat gets back into office, they can (and likely will) undo any good that President Trump accomplishes. The inspired Holy Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:18b that "one sinner destroyeth much good."

    What About Alex Jones?
    Regarding Alex Jones, I love the guy, but he has really changed for the worst since about 2010. I loved Alex when he was pure-hearted, fighting against the right/left paradigm (exposing both Republicans and Democrats). In 2015, Alex sadly joined the Republican ranks to rally behind Donald Trump. That concerned me, because Republicans at the end of the day are just as bad as the Democrats. Republican and Democrat are just two separate legs walking in the SAME direction of a New World Order.

    Also, I am absolutely disgusted with Alex begging like a greedy dog for money, money, money. I wanted to help support Alex's Infowars last year, so I went and placed an order. I knew that for some stupid $60 protein powder I was overpaying, but I wanted to support Alex. But when I went to check-out and they wanted $22 for handling and shipping, I cancelled the entire order in disgust of his greed.
     Alex is greedy, plain and simple. The guy is living large, while people like me survive paycheck to paycheck. I hate the greed in people. 
    I hate to say it, but Alex is in the same league with a snake oil salesman. Years ago he promoted a Gallbladder Cleanse product. Alex said that you'd pass gallbladder stones as proof that the product worked. I went to Mayo Clinic to verify his claims were FALSE. It's a common trick that scammers use. The olive oil clumps in your intestines and passes, making you think there was something bad in your system. It is these type of shady sales tactics used by Alex Jones why I distrustful of him.

    I recently made some travel reservations that fell through. I needed to cancel 36 hours after making my reservations. United and American Airlines, and the hotel refunded my money. But the greedy scumbags at Alamo rent car refused to refund a penny of my $635. It was for a compact car rental not needed for another 5-weeks, to be used for 4-days. I cancelled just 36 hours after I made the reservations. Yet, Alamo refused to give back one penny. Ungodly jerks!
    I had made the reservations through Priceline and they also refused to refund any of my money. Alamo are greedy thieves. I wouldn't have minded paying a penalty, but they stole all of my money. I filed a complaint at Consumer Affairs and saw that 72% of Alamo's customers gave them only 1 star, the worst possible rating. I will never use Priceline or Alamo again!!! They will be punished by God (Romans 12:19-21).

    I don't condemn Alex Jones for being a human being and a sinner. But I detest his greed. I don't think Alex is a secret Jesuit, government CIA operative or a shill. People say crazy stuff! I humbly feel that the love of money has corrupted him. Alex was found guilty for saying that the Sandy Hook massacre didn't happen in 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. The judge ordered him to pay $965,000,000 to the alleged victim's families
    I am 100% still convinced that no child died at Sandy Hook in 2012. Look at this piece of crap, Robby Turner, the alleged father of one of the dead children. Look how Robby is laughing and having a good time, but then he tries to look disheveled and serious to appear for the cameras. What a con man! I firmly still believe that the alleged victim's parents were paid stage crisis actors. Thank the Lord God that He alone will have the final say in all matters (Ecclesiastes 5:8).
    I still recommend for my web visitors to listen to Alex Jones, because I haven't found anyone better to replace him. I DON'T recommend that you buy anything from Alex, not until he stops ripping people off. Alex has a big mouth and is exposing the New World Order (which is what America needs today). I don't like that Alex associates and promotes fools like David Icke (a nutcase who claimed to be Jesus Christ in the 1980's). So, I am leery about Alex at best, but I am convinced that he is sincere as an American patriot. I am not convinced that Trump became a born-again Christian in 2016. He might have just said that just to get the vote of the churches. We simply do not know.

    I am sick and tired of woefully ignorant churchgoers voting Republican, merely because of the lying rhetoric that they are against abortion. Republican U.S. Presidents have given as much money to Planned Parenthood (Herohood) as have Democrat U.S. Presidents. I knew in 2022 when Roe vs. Wade was overturned that the abortion pill was about to be approved, and sure enough, it just has been nationally by the U.S. Supreme Court. Sadly, abortion is still legal and going strong in America. Abortion is first-degree premeditated murder!

    So, in summary, I admire and like both Donald Trump and Alex Jones. My heart is with those men. They are both fighters! They are not perfect, but they both have a dog in the fight. Having said that, I don't fully trust either of them. I cannot trust a man like Alex Jones who has greed in his eyes all the time. Nor can I trust a man like Donald Trump who has called for the global decriminalization of the abominable sin of homosexuality (Leviticus 20:13), one of the lowest degrees of human debasement. Homosexuality is the end times sin!

    We've seen way too much corruption, crime and deception in the White House over the past 50 years. The man who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan was closely associated with the Bush family.

    It is so obvious that Bush Sr. was desperate to have the power of U.S. President. So, he tried to have his boss assassinated, which would have made him Commander And Chief instead. The Bush family define evil. I don't trust the political process anymore. I humbly think if re-elected, Mr. Trump will take our nation to war. China will attack Taiwan, it's just a matter of when. Vladimir Putin wants Ukraine back. Israel wants Iran overthrown.

    There's a lot of tension in the world, and the churches will follow Mr. Trump into the abyss of Hell. So, if the Luciferian elite want to go to war, now is the time when Trump is re-elected. I could be wrong, but this is the handwriting on the wall that I see. Mr. Trump may not be the blessing we think. The rabbit hole runs deep. The diabolical Federal Reserve scam since 1913 is bankrupting our nation. The true reason for homelessness nationwide is the insane cost of housing, which is a direct consequence of rampant inflation.
    The Federal Reserve (which is neither federal, nor has any gold stored in reserve) is a massive Ponzi Scheme which requires printing and lending trillions more dollars annually to keep the scam going. When the government stops borrowing (reckless debt spending), the Federal Reserve will fail. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sees the truth of what is going on in our rotten government. Our economy will never permanently improve until we get rid of the Federal Reserve and return our currency to the trustworthy Gold Standard. What we have in the United States today is what Congressman Ron Paul Sr. from Texas rightly calls "Funny Money." You haven't seen anything yet where our economy is headed, which is down the toilet. Homelessness will become MUCH worse!

    Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    Saturday, July 27, 2024

    Run From The Abusive Cult At Pensacola Christian College

    Romans 16:17-18, “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

    The abusive cult at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) is a perfect example of what happens when you forcefully impose the LETTER OF THE LAW upon people, but with also having the corresponding SPIRIT OF THE LAW to heal the wound, which is love. If all God had given us was the Old Testament law, we'd all be in big heap of trouble! The Scripture warns us in 2nd Corinthians 3:6b, “for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” PCC are killers!
    “I am all for standards, but I am not for standards without love.” —Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001)
    I regularly comb Google and other social media websites for the latest negative reviews of PCC, because it soothes my own hurting wounds after being emotionally abused by PCC's ungodly incompetent pastors and leadership. Today I found this truthful review by one of their alumni, Andrew Bailey, who properly gave PCC just one star (the worst possible rating, with which I wholeheartedly concur):
    Attending Pensacola Christian College means you're getting a lifestyle instead of an educational product. A rather extreme lifestyle that might not be for you even if you are independent Baptist. They put you under a rock for Jesus. I'm not sure what the Christian version of sharia law is called, but you get it here. I wasted 3 weeks and maybe $3,000 here, and here are some of my experiences from 20-some years ago.

    They gave me a book full of rules that's as thick as a bible, so let's start with the dress code. There are different rules for different meals (and days). I had to learn by trial-and-error at the dining hall, and seeing if I was turned away. And for girls, you could only walk down these walkways and use those doors to go eat. ARE YOU SERIOUS? No one cares!

    You needed to be out of the dorms 20 minutes before church services, and you'd get written up if you weren't. A roomie couldn't find his bible by the time the bell rang, so I let him borrow my spare one. (FYI: borrowing bibles was not allowed according to one of their million random rules.) We got written up for being 1 minute late getting out of the dorms.

    The rules make it obvious that this college would not prepare someone to navigate nor interact with the world. You know, something that a college should do? But why would they? They preach that the world is nothing but sin and evil. They stopped freshman girls from leaving campus, unless their parents signed a waiver that said it's OK for their precious little angel to venture into the darkness beyond the gates. I wasn't aware of any girl that was trapped like this, but (as a guy) I felt bad knowing the possibility existed. The system of asking permission to go off-campus was insulting. It's clear they don't trust anyone.

    My job was to clean the field house at night. Being allowed to stay up past midnight was pretty cool, but getting up every morning at 7 no-matter-what was not.

    I was there for a computer science major, but of the classes I was taking, only one was specifically relevant. I realized I was wasting time while sitting in history class going over the pharaohs using the same textbook that I used two years prior in the Abeka DVD program.

    A future roomie said if you can't get to Google, the internet is broken, so the internet was broken here. Any website that had a text box on one page, and let you see what you put in it on another was blocked. So Wikipedia, social media, and other highly useful websites were blocked. You were only allowed to have the email address the college gave you, because other email services are 'offensive' to students. Excuse me, if my Yahoo email offended me, I wouldn't have used it for 5 years, and kept it just because.

    One day, there was a voter registration signup for local, state, and federal elections in the commons. I wondered how confidential voting actually was for students. I was positive that if the college found out someone voted against officially endorsed candidates or issues, they would get written up. I have no evidence that it was the case, but reading between the lines of the student rule book suggested otherwise. I decided that this is America, I'm American, and I'm not going to live like '1984' anymore. I left after 3 weeks, and never regretted it. Don't let them intimidate you.

    I ended up at a secular and nerdy college that was almost exclusively computer science, and full of Mormons. When I would tell someone there about Pensacola, they might say "that sounds like BYU". I asked if you could wear jeans at BYU. "Yes." "Then BYU is full of unwashed heathens by comparison." I graduated faster at the nerdy place than I would have if I stayed at Pensacola.

    I've been informed that things have changed here, but reading these other reviews, it hasn't in any meaningful way. Maybe they can ask their history department about what the secret police was, and how those places ended up. But they're still drinking the Kool-Aid, so nothing will change. 
    SOURCE: Google reviews for Pensacola Christian College, July 2024
    PCC are evil. Their Campus Church pastors are evil. PCC have huge egos!  I cannot warn people enough about the spiritual dangers of attending a cult like PCC, who have erected a superficial appearance of a fundamentalist Christian organization, but in reality they are no better than the hellbound Mormons in how they throw people under the bus. As of August 2, 2022, I have been horribly banned in writing by Pastor Jeff Redlin to attend Campus Church at PCC. It didn't matter that I humbled myself and apologized multiple times to both the pastors at Campus Church (and PCC leadership) for offending the gods at PCC, they are so full of arrogance, hubris, swollen egos and ungodly hatred, that they refuse to even allow me to sit in their Campus Church services (which is otherwise open to the public). What jerks!

    Pensacola Christian College represents everything wrong with so-called "fundamentalism" today in the world. The stench of their wicked religious hypocrisy reaches unto Heaven's gates, and it sickens God (Revelation 3:17). Thankfully, God is still on His throne.

    I also need to warn you dear reader about PCC's counterfeit plan of salvation.

    The Lordship Salvation Cult At Pensacola Christian College

    Pensacola Christian College Cult Exposed

    The United States is going to Hell, because professed Christians (most of whom are unsaved) are sinfully going along with the apostate Bible colleges, and the dead churches they have infected with their lifeless pseudo-Christianity. PCC needs to go! Ninety-nine percent of churches today are mere social clubs. Door-to-door soulwinning is basically nonexistent. Contending for the faith is gone. Pastors are cowards who just want to make a living.

    Case in point is Sean Quinlan, the former incompetent PCC intern pastor at the Lighthouse Baptist Church on Guam. I visited his church in 2018. Jesus said out of the abundance of a man's heart he speaketh (Matthew 12:34). I love the inspired King James Bible; I hate the Devil's counterfeit Bible revisions. Pastor Quinlan heard me tell a church member that Bob Jones University promotes corruptible seed. He immediately became angry.

    Pastor Quinlan said that he had been eavesdropping on my conversations for the several months, and he was tired of me warning church members about the Devil's Bible versions. Well, if he would do it I wouldn't have to! But God knows I wasn't trying to be the pastor, I was simply sharing my heart in private conversations, while he (the little wimp) spied on me. You see, Mr. Quinlan is the product of the cesspool of iniquity at PCC, where contending for the faith is deemed "radical." Sadly, PCC is a dunghole in Pensacola and everyone they influence become lackadaisical causalities for Christ.

    Pastor Quinlan further attacked me, saying: "You're obsessed with the Bible issue!" Buster, you had better believe that I am obsessed over the inspired Holy Bible!!! SHAME! SHAME! SHAME on Pastor Quinlan (and I told him that in front of his victimized church members). Like Pastor Jeff Redlin at Campus Church, Sean Quinlan is a wicked compromiser who has no business standing behind any church pulpit, because these fools esteem increasing church membership more than contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints (Jude 1:3b). Like the Satanic neo-evangelical Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (a cesspool of Bob Jones University devils), the rotten PCC cult also threw me under the bus for TELLING THE TRUTH. Judgment day is coming for these wicked false prophets!!!

    SHAME on BJU and PCC for preaching the Devil's lie of Lordship Salvation. The truth is that today's boneheaded pastors are following the dead Bible colleges, afraid to rise above the crowd, pulling on the same rope as the Devil. It matters how we treat others. I have been banned from attending both the Harvest Baptist Church on Guam, and Campus Church at PCC. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes in eternity when they stand account to God (Galatians 6:7; Hebrews 4:13).

    It shouldn't come as a surprise that Harvest's radio station KHMG 88.1 FM on Guam, broadcasts Jeff Redlin's pathetic sermons throughout Micronesia, spewing his toxic poison. These devils have much blood on their hands! They laugh and mock at my Bible preaching, but I am being faithful to a free grace Gospel, they are not. I am not the one betraying the Gospel, they are. Woe unto PCC, BJU and anyone else who corrupts the simplicity that is in Jesus Christ (2nd Corinthians 11:3-4, 13-15).

    God knows my heart, that I sincerely do not hate anybody at PCC. In fact, the last thing that I said to Pastor Jeff Redlin in 2022 was that I love him in Christ, yet he hates my guts so much that he won't even allow me to attend church. Only a religious CULT (like Mormonism) selectively cares about people, banning certain individuals from coming to church (a place where everybody ought to be welcomed). No legitimate church bans sinners, especially a child of God as I am, from going to church. PCC is a dangerous Satanic cult! I will expose them until the Lord takes me home to Heaven. Somebody needs to care, and I do care!

    At PCC you've got a plethora of strict authoritarian rules, rule and more rules, while woefully lacking a genuine walk with God among their pastors, staff and leaders. PCC definitely fits the B.I.T.E. model of cult abuse! At PCC the cult system always comes first, but individual people do not matter. Samantha Field, Allen Armentrout and myself are living proof of that fact. I've heard hundreds of wounded former PCC students and Campus Church members say the same negative thing, that the system comes first, but individual people do not matter at PCC.

    PCC is a bigoted cult that exists solely to make money. As a divorced person, I was horribly mistreated, bullied and made to feel like human trash at Campus Church. Pastor Redlin literally scolded me for mentioning that I hoped to remarry, even after I had been single for 15 years (because my wife divorced me in 2006). I wish Jeff Redlin's wife would divorce him, and that he would lose everything dear to him, and then have some holier than thou piece of garbage like himself crap on him (while he was broken and hurting like I am). Jeff Redlin is a monster!!! Tragically, their entire PCC board of directors are self-righteous arrogant snobs, holier than thou scumbags who think they are better than everyone else. God hears the cry!

    Like so many large institutions today, PCC gets away with their abusive behavior because they can, because 99% of the public are selfish. Tyranny is rarely seen except by those who are oppressed by it! During the tragic World War II Jewish holocaust, 99% of the world couldn't have cared less, because it didn't affect them. It is because they weren't the victim!

    Another case in point, it is a fact that thousands of crazy women want to marry serial killers. I am not making that claim up, go verify what I say for yourself, and prepare to be utterly shocked. Do you know why thousands of women desire to marry mass-murderers? It is because they weren't the victim! If their mother, sister or daughter had been the victim, then they would want justice, not to marry the creep. This just evidences how selfish humans can be. So, not surprisingly, the vast majority of PCC supporters haven't been hurt by them yet, but people like me and Samantha Field have been hurt by PCC, deeply.

    PCC is a prisonhouse of rules without love. They woefully lack God's love and compassion for people, especially hurting people like me and Samantha Field. There is no pain as hurtful as being betrayed by one's spouse and dragged into divorce court against one's will, like I was in 2006. I hate divorce, as God does too. PCC have no grasp of how divorce feels. They are a cult of married people who look down their Pharisaical noses on divorced people. I loathe PCC's self-righteous attitudes, their damnable Lordship Salvation, their wickedly bidding Godspeed to false prophets (like Ken Ham whom they coddle with his false gospel), and their refusal to respect truth-tellers like me. PCC are the enemies of Jesus Christ!!!

    Thank you for reading my blog. To God alone be all the praise, credit and glory.

    Thursday, July 25, 2024

    It Is Utterly Shameful That Kamala Harris Is Even Being Considered To Run As U.S. President

    Isaiah 3:11-12,  “Woe unto the wicked!  it shall be ill with him: for the reward of his hands shall be given him. As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.  O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.”

    I think it is disgusting and evil that Kamala Harris is even being considered to run as our next U.S. President. She is as incompetent as she is repulsive and silly. What a pea-brained imbecile!

    You can call me a chauvinist pig if you'd like, but I simply believe the inspired Holy Bible. Women are NOT supposed to rule over men, period! The Bible warns that when it happens, women lead the people to err.

    I'm still disgusted that a scumbag like Bill Clinton, a draft-dodger who fled to Canada to escape the Vietnam War, was ever chosen to become U.S. President in 1992. The law forbids a draft-dodger from ever becoming U.S. President, yet we have all seen that laws are made to be broken in man's corrupt system.

    What an insult to our veterans who have lost limb and life on the battlefield. There are many competent respectable proven businessmen today, U.S. veterans, who could serve as our Commander and Chief. But no, they are giving us a boneheaded damfool woman like Kamala Harris. What a travesty of justice!

    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    McDonald's Food Quality Is Disturbing Today

    I rarely go to McDonald's, but I wanted to reward myself yesterday after my doctor said my health was doing much better...lol. Pastor Jack Hyles' favorite meal at McDonald's was the Quarter Pounder Cheeseburger, so that is what I ordered yesterday. I also ordered just the Fillet-O-Fish sandwich. They charged me $18.04 for that crap!!!

    The restaurant number is: 10120 in Pensacola at 7915 N. Davis Highway. I saved my receipt and filed a complaint yesterday at McDonald's website, but still haven't heard back from them. I hope they care. Somebody might die from E.coli food poisoning!

    Take a look at the raw hamburger in the Quarter Pounder. I was eating while driving and didn't notice how raw it was until something seemed off to me. I took these photos on July 15, 2024 with my mobile phone of the raw Quarter Pound Cheeseburger I purchased at McDonald's...

    McDonald's Food Quality Has Really Deteriorated

    McDonald's quality has gone to zero! Sadly, the best part of the meal was the Diet Coke. 

    When I felt how hard the bun was for the Fillet-O-Fish, I thought about this song, "Solid As A Rock," by Ashford & Simpson...

    McDonald's Fillet-O-Fish Bun is As "Solid As A Rock"

    I remember as a kid going to McDonald's with my parents in the 1970's. I loved their milkshakes back then. It was real ice-cream. Sadly, McDonald's changed their shake recipe about 25 years ago, which now taste like Styrofoam. You'll choke without some water to clear your throat. I loathe and hate McDonald's shakes today!!!

    As a teenager, I worked at McDonald's for 17 months in 1983-1985. I did all the jobs (dish washer, dining room cleaning, grill cook, cash register). When I started I was paid $3.15 per hour minimum wage. By the time I gave my advance notice to resign, so I could go to Hyles-Anderson College, I was getting paid $3.60 an hour. That was the funnest job I ever had.

    Then, and still today, every employee gets a free meal during your work shift. If you work more than 4 hours, you get a bigger free meal. My boss used to ask me to work overtime, and offer me all the food I could eat. He never had to ask me twice! My favorite sandwich back then was the Fillet-O-Fish, because back then they steamed the buns. You could press into the bun and it would cave in it was so soft. Those were awesome times! Today, you can use their buns as a door jam because they are so hard. Sadly, McDonald's got greedy and diminished their food quality.

    I also miss the McDLT which they had when I worked there. The McDLT came in a partitioned Styrofoam container. All of McDonald's sandwiches in the 1980's were served in Styrofoam containers back then, which kept your food piping-hot. Today, McDonald's uses cheap recycled cardboard, which makes the food taste like recycled cardboard. Yuk!

    The McDLT had the bottom bun on one hot side, with the beef patty and cheese. On the other cold side you had the top bun with lettuce, tomato, mayo and other condiments. They were really tasty and I miss them. I remember that my supervisor said McDonald's spent $3,000,000 just to determine that it is best to have 23 holes in the McDLT sauce dispenser... lol.

    McDonald's had something special in the 1960's and into the 1980's, but they went downhill quickly starting in the 1990's. They never should have changed their milkshake formula. Nor should they have stopped steaming their Fillet-O-Fish buns, which was classy when they did. 

    And McDonald's for the longest time have had a serious problem with over-cooking and over-salting their fries. I'm at the place where I don't even want to go to McDonald's anymore, because their prices have skyrocketed into the stratosphere, but their food quality is in the toilet, literally. Eating raw hamburger will make customers sick!

    I used to have a valid Food manager's License, when I voluntarily helped my father operate his Rescue Mission to feed the poor on Chicago's' drug and gang infested Westside. By law it was required to have a license to handle food, so you wouldn't make people sick or worse. I learned in Food manager's classes that beef must be heated to an internal temperature of 155 degrees Fahrenheit. Chicken must be heated to an internal temperature of 165 degrees. This is to prevent Food Borne Illnesses like E.coli and Staphylococcus (from people not washing their hands after using the restroom).

    It is really tragic what I see happening in America today. Across the board—whether it be churches, Bible colleges, restaurants, car rental agencies, corporate America, sports, federal government, courts, city governance, you name it—people just don't care anymore like they used to. Companies today don't even hesitate to take advantage of to cheat people financially. 

    Case in point: I recently made some reservations in early July 2024, to travel in mid-August 2024. I rented a car for 4-days from Alamo car rental. I had been given incorrect information about the event I was planning on attending and needed to cancel my reservations just 36 hours after making them. Alamo refused to refund a single penny of my $635, even though the pickup date for the rental for still 5-weeks into the future, and I had cancelled just 36 hours later. Those rotten ungodly thieves are so greedy that they wouldn't refund a dime of my money. Dear reader, only a wicked person (or group of people in a company) mistreat others in such a horrible selfish evil manner! Those greedy sharks at Alamo stole my $635!!!

    I could give you hundreds more shameful examples of how bad things have become today in the United States. You cannot drive anywhere in the city of Pensacola, without seeing shameful attorney billboards encouraging Americans to sue each other for money. What have we horribly deteriorated into as a society? What ever happened to The Golden Rule. Matthew 7:12, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Would you want someone to sue you? Those ungodly greedy lawyers aren't your friends; they are parasites who take advantage of people at the lowest point in their life for filthy lucre's sake. I detest lawyers! Jesus couldn't stand them either! Luke 11:46, “And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers. Some things never change, even after thousands of years.

    My attitude as a born-again Christian is that of the man of God, Joshua. Joshua 24:15, “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. By God's grace, I am going to follow The Golden Rule. I am going to treat others the way I would like to be treated, with kindness, gentleness, respect and fairness.

    I don't want blood on my hands like Alamo car rental (Proverbs 6:16-19), who go around screwing people out of their hard-earned money, hiding behind a bunch of ungodly shady fineprint fabricated by ungodly shady attorneys. Corporate America is of the Devil today. If you read the vast majority of legal contracts that you're required to sign to do business (which you need to do to survive in today's American culture), it is always written with extreme bias to benefit the company at the consumer's expense. If you ever have taken the time to read an insurance company policy, they have intentionally disqualified 99% of the reasons for which people would need to file a claim.

    For example: If you purchase homeowner's insurance, beware! Most people living in a hurricane zone (or typhoon zone in the east), falsely think they are insured. But if you carefully read your insurance policy, the company WON'T PAY for any damage caused by wind or flying debris from the wind. They are thieves! They want to keep your insurance premiums without honoring your claim when it comes time.

    That is why I absolutely refuse to change my Medicare medical insurance away from parts A and B. You've probably seen the thousands of annoying television commercials begging for people to call some stupid phone number to talk to an agent. I checked into it. What it's all about is that PRIVATE insurance companies want your Medicare money from Uncle Sam. If you have parts A and B, Uncle Sam pays directly for your medical bills. But if you leave parts A and B, to go to a private insurance company instead, now THE PRIVATE INSURER HAS TO PAY (but since they don't want to pay, they're going to deny many of your claims).

    Last summer I needed to go to the Emergency Room. I was in severe pain in my right flank for some unknown reason. The hospital charged Medicare $16,758. Just the CT Scan (with red die used for contrast) cost $12,000. When all the bills were finalized, it didn't cost me a single penny. Praise God! If I had switched my Medicare to one of those greedy private insurance companies, I likely would have been billed for thousands of dollars! Once the private insurance company gets your Medicare payments from the government, they will receive a certain guaranteed amount of money each month, regardless of how many of your bills (claims) they choose to pay or deny. You know as well as I do, that they are going to try every way possible not to pay. Uncle Sam has never done that to me, they have always honored the claims. My humble non-professional opinion is to stay with parts A and B, and don't change anything.

    Anyway, I am on a rant...lol. I am so sick and tired of shady Americans in the business world, who cheat and take advantage of others for their own selfish greed. I would NEVER work for a company that cheats and defrauds people  in any way. I'd rather be homeless than assist an ungodly shady company that hurts innocent people just because they can. Welcome to the rotten United States!!!

    Furthermore, unless you are a competent lawyer, you won't be able to understand most of what you read in any legal contract, and the companies know that. Yet, they will hide behind their ungodly shady fineprint to screw you financially. They all do it!

    Getting back to McDonald's, I am utterly disgusted with fast food places today. It's not just McDonald's. Arby's fries are always cold. Same thing with KFC. You'd think that in 2024, in these modern and amazing times of technology, that food companies would have figured out a way to make sure you are provided HOT and FRESH food. I mean, if nothing else, for goodness' sake, microwave the French fries before handing them to me cold. Those businesses and their bad managers simply don't care. I haven't been to Arby's in several months. I am tired of cold food, bad service and high prices. I foresee many U.S. fast food businesses closing down in the years to come. IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING!!!

    Sadly, I don't think I'll be going to McDonald's for a very long time!!!

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    Proverbs 7:10-12, “ And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.  (She is loud and stubborn; her fe...